It is the 'top' app in the mobile world, almost immediately followed the ' give me your mobile number' request comes the following question 'Do you have WhatsApp?'. Clearly this application is changing the concept of free SMS messaging.
Alberto warned about insecurity issues in how WhatsApp transmits data in plain text and what this means in shared environments.
Today we have to talk about the inside, the way in which WhatsApp stores and manages its data. Looking from within the file structure of the application we have two files called msgstore.db and wa.db (locations vary, of course, between Android and iPhone). These files are in SQLite format.
Once we import these files with a tool to browse inside their content (eg SQLite Manager), here comes the first surprise: none of the information contained is encrypted. Contacts are stored in wa.db and EVERY sent messages are in msgstore.db.
Wait a sec, did I say EVERY? Absolutely, every sent and received messages are there. And why "EVERY" is in uppercase?, simply because although theoretically WhatsApp give us the opportunity through its graphical interface to delete conversations, the reality is that they still remain in the database ad infinitum.
And the issue is even more fun if we sent or received messages at a time which GPS was enabled, because WhatsApp also stores coordinates in msgstore.db
In the case of Android there are even more important things stored that might be of interest to a forensic investigator - or maybe a jealous boyfriend/girlfriend. Apparently WhatsApp is configured by default with a very 'verbose' level of logging and store, within the directory / files / Logs, files with this appearance:
# pwd
# ls
whatsapp-2011-06-06.1.log.gz whatsapp-2011-06-09.1.log.gz
whatsapp-2011-06-07.1.log.gz whatsapp.log
In these files are recorded every XMPP transactions made by the application with a very high verbose (debug) level, with the timestamp of when it receives or sends a message (among other things).
011-06-09 00:47:21.799 xmpp/reader/read/message 1307XXXXXX-30 0 false false
These files are easily "parseable" to extract the ratio of mobile numbers which has maintained some kind of conversation with us. I created a small script that parses the file and pulls out this list of numbers:
import re import sys logfile = sys.argv[1] logdata = open(logfile,"r") dump = logdata.readlines() numerosin = [] numerosout = [] for line in dump: m ='(?<=xmpp/reader/read/message )\d+', line) if m: if not numerosin.count( numerosin.append( m ='(?<=xmpp/writer/write/message/receipt )\d+', line) if m: if not numerosout.count( numerosout.append( print "Messages received from\n" print "\n".join(numerosin) print "\nMessages sent to\n" print "\n".join(numerosout)
Executing the script, it will ouput the information as follows:
$ python whatsapp-2011-06-08.1.log
Messages received form
Messages sent to
Buff, vaya apaño que es el whatsapp en cuanto a la privacidad. Una cosa que no me ha quedado clara es qué pasa con los mensajes supuestamente borrados. ¿Tiene un flag en la bbdd para marcado como eliminado?
PD: ¿Te has dado cuenta que se te ha quedado la tecla de "lock english" pulsada? ;)
Pos menos mal que no lo tengo...ayer mismo me dijeron que era una maravilla, y hoy con esto...
Saludos desde
Upss! qué torpe soy. No me había dado cuenta que también estaba en español. Bueno, aprovecho para decirte que se te han colado dos frases en español al final de todo. ;)
Cierto Juan, corregido queda ¡gracias!
para nokia donde encuentra uno los archivos para los logs? los he buscado con esos mismos nombres pero no los encuentro
This might be obvious but I don't know this. Where can i find the files wa.db and msgstore.db on an iPhone 3GS / Windows 7?
So can someone create an unofficial whatsapp ?
Pues yo acabo de descargar SQLite Manager y buscar las bases de datos de mi celular, y se llama msgstore.db.crypt y no encontré wa.db. Como me temía por el ".crypt", SQLite Manager me pide la contraseña...
Android gingerbread
Whatsapp 2.6.8990
Hey, I've been trying to extract my messages from the whatsApp .db file and SQLite tells me the message seems to be encrypted and asks me for a key =S
I find the file but it names ""xxxxx.db.crypt"".
it seems can't open with the software like SQlite,etc.
could u tell me how to open it and real it!(I try to open it but it shows unreadable character...)
Cual es la contraseña para desencriptar los mensajes??
Muy interesante, pero ¿cuál es la contraseña para entrar al abrir el archivo de base de datos?
Si no escribo esto se convierte en inútil
So where do I start? I download SQLite on my laptop... Then what? I need to view messages on my boyfriends phone so do I type in his number? Bit confused!
Hola, te hago una consulta: puede ser que actualmente hayan modificado Whatsapp para que no guarde los mensajes borrados? Probe con la db de mi telefono y los mensajes que borre no quedaron guardados en msgstore.db
Muchas gracias
no entiendo mucho de todos los terminos que manejan pero esos mensajes y fotografias que se guardan se pueden borrar haciendolo con alguna aplicacion o que se puede hacer para borrarlos de donde los guardan?
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